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Month: October 2023

AI – safe and effective for everyone: new standards released by BHP members

An international initiative called STANDING Together – led by BHP founder-members University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, and the University of Birmingham – has released new standards ensuring that medical artificial intelligence (AI) systems are developed with appropriate health datasets.

The STANDING Together recommendations ensure that the full diversity of people that AI systems will be used for, is represented in health datasets. This is imperative as AI systems are less likely to work well for people who aren’t properly represented in datasets – and may even be harmful. People who are in minority groups are particularly likely to be under-represented in datasets.

The recommendations provide guidance on collecting and reporting details such as age, sex, gender, race, ethnicity, and other important characteristics, and have been developed following a two-year research study involving over 350 people from 58 countries, including patients, researchers, healthcare professionals, industry experts, and regulators. They also recommend that any limitations of the dataset should be transparently reported to ensure that developers creating AI systems can choose the best data for their purpose. Guidance is also given on how to identify those who may be harmed when medical AI systems are used, allowing this risk to be reduced.

The research has been conducted with collaborators from over 30 institutions worldwide, including universities, the UK medicines regulator (the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, MHRA), patient groups and charities, and small and large health technology companies. The work has been funded by The Health Foundation and the NHS AI Lab and supported by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR).

Lead researcher Dr Xiaoxuan Liu, Clinical Scientist in AI and Digital Health Technologies at the University of Birmingham, explained: “AI models are underpinned by data, which captures a wealth of information. When dealing with health data, this information can unfortunately include existing health inequalities. These inequalities can come about in many ways, including underrepresentation of particular groups, or as a reflection of structural biases within wider society. It is vital that anyone using data to develop new innovations (including AI) are aware of any biases, and that they are accounted for. As we move towards an AI-enabled future, we can ensure these technologies don’t just work on average, but that they work for all.”

Dominic Cushnan, Director AI, Imaging & Deployment at the NHS AI Lab, said: “The lack of diversity and inclusivity in our current datasets are major challenges in our ability to ensure AI in health and care works for everyone. These standards are an important step towards transparent and common documentation of represented groups in our data, which can support the responsible and fair development and use of AI.”

The recommendations are available open access at to support the development of safe, effective and equitable AI tools for healthcare.

BHP members collaborate to explore tech, big data and AI in healthcare

Two members of Birmingham Health Partners – Aston University and Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust (BWC) – are collaborating to explore how digital technology, big data and artificial intelligence can revolutionise healthcare.

To kick off the partnership, Aston University’s Engineering for Health Research Centre is co-hosting the BWC Innovation Summit, which brings together tech firms, healthcare professionals and academics to explore how new technology can benefit paediatric and women’s healthcare as well as the young people’s mental health sector.

Representatives from Hitachi, KPMG and the West Midlands Academic Health Science Network (WMAHSN) will be at the event on October 11th held at Conference Aston.

Amanda Baugh, Head of Innovation at BWC said: “The event is an opportunity to bring together professionals from different disciplines to foster collaboration and springboard ideas on the future of healthcare.

“We want to get a wide range of experts in one place to explore and define challenges and set out plans about how we can adapt and adopt existing technology, products and devices, along with how we might develop products and solutions not currently available to meet these challenges.”

Dr Antonio Fratini is head of Aston University’s Engineering for Health Research Centre. He said: “The University’s College of Engineering and Physical Sciences is delighted to be co-hosting this event which highlights Aston University’s mission to be a leading university of science, technology and enterprise.

“Through harnessing the power of medical and digital technology, analysis of big data and artificial intelligence we will be able to change healthcare – for example by providing care closer to home, improving access and therefore reducing inequalities.”