Training & development
Enabling and supporting educational development is one of the central building blocks of the Birmingham Health Partners alliance. We are committed to supporting training, helping to embed research findings, sharing knowledge and offering new qualifications, with the ultimate aim of improving patient outcomes and accelerating access to drugs, devices and diagnostics.
BHP aim to facilitate increased opportunities for those within the NHS looking to pursue a career in academic research. Our clinical academic programmes also support the national agenda to increase the capability of non-medical professionals to contribute to the improvement of patient outcomes and innovations in healthcare.
Individuals undertaking these programmes will develop the skills, knowledge and expertise required to undertake their own clinical research and progress along the clinical academic career pathway.
Find out which clinical-academic training programmes are suitable for you by selecting your profession:
Starter Fellowships
Year-long launch pad for clinicians interested in a translational research career
Clinical Academic Research Partnerships
A new post-doctoral fellowship for clinically qualified staff who currently do not have research time allocated in their job plans
New Consultant Scheme
Post-doctoral fellowship for consultant-level medical staff who are less than 18 months in-post and do not already have allocated research time