Health Innovation West Midlands

Health Innovation West Midlands (HIWM) is one of 15 Health Innovation networks across England. The network was established by NHS England in 2013 to spread innovation at pace and scale – improving health and generating economic growth.
HIWM works in partnership with NHS trusts, SMEs, care homes and universities to spread innovations at scale and pace, ensuring that new healthcare and life sciences tools are available wherever they can make a difference. By enabling the healthcare system to take advantage of innovations that can help to save time, money and lives, HIWM is working to bring the West Midlands the future of health and social care, today.
National Patient Safety Programme
The WMAHSN manages several programmes and initiatives to improve patient safety across a range of care settings. The NatPatSIP’s current work is focused across five safety improvement programmes: managing deterioration; maternity and neonatal; adoption and spread; medicines safety; and mental health. Visit the programme page to learn more.
Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Management (CVD)
The CVD Prevention and Management Programme has been established to support organisations, acute Trusts and Integrated Care Systems to implement new or modified models of care to reduce cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, address and reduce health inequalities and improve the overall health and well-being of the population in the West Midlands. The programme identifies areas in which health gains can be made and overall CVD burden can be reduced; due to preventable cardiac events, reduction in re-admissions and recurrent events in people with established CVD. Visit the CVD programme page.
Medicines Optimisation (MO) Programme
The MO programme aims to improve the appropriate prescribing, administration, dispensing and monitoring of medicines while putting patients at the very heart of their care. The WMAHSN will seek to reduce unwarranted variation and inequalities in access to medicines and align with AHSN business priorities, strategic health goals, NHS Long-Term Plan, WHO medicines safety targets and relevant to local system deliverables. Visit the MO programme page.
MedTech Funding Mandate (MTFM)
The AHSN Network’s MTFM policy aims to accelerate equitable patient access to NICE-recommended devices, diagnostics or digital products that deliver benefits to the NHS and its patients; are cost saving in year; and affordable to the NHS. This is achieved by mandating commissioners to fund MTFM technologies where clinically appropriate. Learn more about the policy.